EMPLOYERS: Do you want to inspire future 401(k) Champions®?
You can encourage 401(k) mastery by spreading the word about the 401(k) Champion® Award.
- You will be able to Nominate a future 401(k) Champion® at your company
- You will be able to download a flyer to share with your company
- Request a customized template highlighting the features of your company's 401(k)
- Request a write-up for your employee newsletter
- Volunteer to become a judge
- Ask about sponsoring a 401(k) Champion® contest at your company Please email all requests to
How companies benefit from the 401(k) Champion® Award:
- Honors companies and employees who champion 401(k)s
- Encourages participants to review the benefits of their company's 401(k)
- Engages employees in a dialogue about 401(k)s and saving for retirement
- Celebrates 401(k) Champions® who can serve as role models for employees
- Facilitates employee dialogue about 401(k)s and saving for retirement